How to contact me:
email -
I am an award winning painter,
including 'Best Oil' at a Society
of Floral Painters exhibition and
a finalist in an 'International
Artist' magazine Flowers and
Gardens competition.
I like painting flowers, landscapes
and beachscapes in all media.
I am also an original printmaker
specializing in monoprint,
drypoint and etching; and an
experienced embroiderer.
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email -
I am an award winning painter,
including 'Best Oil' at a Society
of Floral Painters exhibition and
a finalist in an 'International
Artist' magazine Flowers and
Gardens competition.
I like painting flowers, landscapes
and beachscapes in all media.
I am also an original printmaker
specializing in monoprint,
drypoint and etching; and an
experienced embroiderer.
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